Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pretty Badass

I've been wanting this tattoo for a few years now. I saved my money, checked out artists, made an appointment and last night got it done!

3 hours and lots of deep breathing later and I am in love with the new addition to my body. 

The pussy willow were my grandma's favorite flower and she gave birth to 4 children.  The pansy is my mom and the 2 children she had. The daisy is for me. And at the ankle is a rose bud and a lily bud for Chuck's daughters, Kira Rose and Lily Mabel. 

I love it so much. It has so much meaning and heart behind it. And it's so pretty!  I just wish I could get a better camera angle.  Its hard to take a picture of your own leg :-)

And be able to rotate it too. I think I need an actual photographer rather than the self-photo option on my phone. Better picture coming soon.

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