If you didn't get a little chuckle out of this, I don't know if we can be friends!
The sun is out today, I went out without a coat on, just a fleece and a vest. And it was wonderful! I took a walk to Caribou for a tasty, sweet coffee. I love coffee, I love Caribou coffee but I also love that just the cups and napkins make me smile. Their campaign right now is "What do you stay awake for?" And it really is the simple things that make life worth while.
So take a 180 degree turn around from the previous post, this is what is making me happy today.
*coffee and chocolate
*the sunshine. Seriously, Mr. Sunshine, thank you for gracing us with your presence again! Feel free to stay as long as you'd like!
*taking a walk to run an errand and then wanting to just continue to walk because it's so gorgeous out
*clean laundry. It's not like I'm a fan of doing laundry, but I love having a closet full of clean clothes and fresh warm towels.
*coming home a few nights ago to a surprise of a clean bedroom and some of my art hanging on the walls and my curtains gracing our bedroom windows. He made it all so warm and cozy.
*and today, I'm going to make the rest of our place neat and cozy for him
*walking on those little thin pieces of ice on the edge of the sidewalk and crunching it all the way down the block
*wandering through Target and looking at all the summer clothes. The one-shoulder, off-white, lace overlay dress will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine. Once it goes on sale, of course.
*getting my old writing inspiration back and working on a piece to enter into the Writer's Digest yearly writing competition. I have entered the last 3 years, haven't won, but might as well keep it up
*my yoga class last night and feeling renewed today and actually, oddly, looking forward to going on the treadmill tonight
*2 hours of entertainment in the form of American Idol tonight! Chuck and I freaking love that show!
What is making you happy today?
This post made me so happy! :)