Sunday, January 11, 2009

Since the last post....

I haven't blogged in a while, something my mother has pointed out. Which must mean I'm happy, she says. And I'll be darned, I think she's right!

My job is going well. I really feel like I have a good grasp on how to run my department and my employees. I just need to work on understanding the numbers/business side of it. I've never been good with numbers so I try to avoid it. But I've been told that ever since I came into the position there has never been so much laughter coming from the cafe. That is nice, it shows people are enjoying their job.

My writing has been a bit on the back burner. I've been busy getting settled into my place and my job and getting through the busy-ness of the holidays. I've had lots of ideas that I've written down, just haven't expanded on them yet. But I've got an assignment due in a little over a week, so that I've got to buckle down and do.

The book I'm reading, The Story of Edgar Sawtelle is wonderful! It flows well, I'm attached to the characters, and half of the characters are dogs and I still feel like I know them as well and the human characters. It's a story full of emotion and heart and such wonderful character development that it pulls at your heart strings.

Personally I feel settled, comfortable. Socially, I'm wide awake and loving every minute of it! I've met some new friends and gotten back in touch with old ones and because of that find myself with a smile on my face for a good chunk of the day. A day doesn't get much better than that!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I FINALLY figured out how to "follow" you on blogger. =P Which means I will probably be reading you more! And I will be updating my art blog more too!

    Check me out! I don't write much there, I mostly just post artwork. But you get to see a kind of interesting progression of my works-in-progress. And I put new stuff there.

    Miss you. xoxo
